At the monthly meeting of Thomas M. Brady American Legion Post 45, the members took time to honor all of those members who served during the Vietnam War. The post also honored one of our members who was decorated with two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and Soldiers Medal for his time in Vietnam for actions above and beyond the call of duty.
1st Sgt. Michael Conley served in the 101st Airborne during his tour of duty and received his first Silver Star for heroism at the battle of Hamburger Hill. He received his second Silver Star during other action whereby, as a Platoon Sergeant, he ran over 50 yards under heavy enemy fire to save one of his soldiers who had been wounded by a NVA sniper.
The post had all of those who were present at the meeting stand behind a cake commemorating the event while Mike Conley cut the cake.
"We are pleased to have these members as part of our Legion post and we are grateful for their service to our country," noted Raymond Rollins, Post 45 Commander.