The Post 109 commander, first vice and historian with the District 2 commander, along with Post 36 and an ROTC trumpet player for the Miami University (Ohio) marching band. Such an honor for all of us.


Post 109 Invades the Arizona Bowl

Corona de Tucson , AZ

On Dec. 28, the McCulloch-Wagner American Legion Post 109 (Corona de Tucson) commander and first vice commander proudly set up a booth at the Arizona Bowl, held at the University of Arizona’s complex.

The purpose of our booth was to share in conversation with veterans and their families, hear stories and just have a great time meeting with folks visiting from Ohio, Colorado and the greater Tucson area.

We met lots of great people, lots of veterans, musicians from both marching bands. The District 2 commander and his wife joined us as well.

Post 109 was part of the entourage of more than 50 nonprofit organizations that walked end zone to end zone with their respective flags at the end of the first quarter. All of the nonprofit organizations do so much in our community, and their impact is felt throughout our area. Just amazing!

Thank you, RAAVOLUTION TEAM, for inviting Post 109.

Our brothers from MCL Tucson Detachment 7 stopped by for some camaraderie! Oorah! Semper Fi!
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