On Wednesday, 15 Jan 14, a good time was had by all tying flies at USS Tampa American Legion, Post 5 (District 15) with “fellow comrades in arms” led by Active Duty Navy Instructor Danny White. The "Fly Tying Get Together" allowed disabled veterans the opportunity to socialize and learn how to tie their own flies for fly-fishing. Our friends are veterans who served in the Air Force, Marines, Navy, and Army from the following wars Vietnam, Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom!
Deb Brooks, a valuable member of American Legion Post 5 - USS Tampa, leads the Volunteer efforts of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) Tampa Program. For more information on Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Tampa Program & Volunteers Taking Tampa's Disabled Veterans, Fly Fishing, go to their website at: www.projecthealingwaterstampa.org or email: admin@projecthealingwaterstampa.org.