The annual Clarke County Veterans’ July Food Drive was held during the month of July. The veterans of American Legion Post 41, along with the good people of Clarke County, have made this year’s effort another success. Over 600 pounds of food has been delivered to the FISH of Clarke County Food Pantry in Berryville, along with cash donations in the amount of $695.
This joint effort between our veterans and citizens to collect both money and food for the benefit of the less fortunate in Clarke County, is one in which we all can take great pride. We extend special thanks to our friends who provide locations for our collection barrels: Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, Berryville Baptist Church, Berryville Presbyterian Church, Berryville Food Lion, VFW Post 9760, and American Legion Post 41.
Post 41 thanks the citizens of Clarke County for their effort and their generosity. During the past seven years, the Veterans’ Food Drive has contributed almost five tons of food and almost $4,000 to the FISH Food Pantry. (Pictured above is Food Drive Coordinator Keith Brobst with some of the food collected.)