28 Legion Riders motorcycles showed up to honor and respect the veteran of the month.


John J. Morris Post 62 honors James White as first veteran of the month in 2025

Peoria, AZ

On Jan. 1, John J. Morris Post 62 (Peoria, Ariz.) honored James "Jim" White as the first veteran of the month for 2025. He started in the Navy, then went back for a degree, and then became a pilot in the Air Force. Narrowly missing being shot down in Korea, he limped his plane back to the base and landed on fumes that did not provide enough power to taxi off the runway! The morning started with the Legion Riders showing up in force with 28 motorcycles to kick off the event. Once they formed up by the flag, the commander called out the Honor Guard. The chaplain, who does all the research and writeups on the veteran of the month, gave an opening prayer. Last month's veteran of the month flag was lowered, folded and presented to family or friends of that veteran. Then they took the new flag for the new veteran of the month, which was presented by his daughter. Once the flag was raised, the chaplain gave the closing prayer.

Program with White's history; this is always prepared by our chaplain.

Honor Guard presents lowered and folded flag to a friend of last month's veteran of the month.

New veteran of the month flag is unfolded and prepared to fly over the post for January.
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