Post 6 Officer Rusty Snyder grills food for members at the annual picnic in Prescott.


What is The American Legion serving?

6 - Prescott, AZ

Your local American Legion post serves numerous things - many of which are not well known, understood or appreciated. Beyond the stereotypical cheap drinks, the Legion actively serves people, young and old, in communities across the country.
My personal experience at Ernest A. Love American Legion Post 6 in Prescott, Ariz., has opened my eyes and warmed my heart - showing me that the Legion is more than a bar, more than a building.
What are they serving at my post? Thousands of home-cooked meals of soup, sandwiches, tacos, eggs, potatoes, bacon and pancakes per year. Grilled burgers to warm up the crowd for Queen of Hearts on Thursdays. Sunday breakfast is served with a healthy side of smiles and laughter.
The local American Legion post is a unique and warm place where veterans and their families can come to relax and share stories. It is a place to sing and dance - a place that combats loneliness. A place that serves up cheer, good will and support.
What does it mean to serve? Well, there are over 12 definitions of the verb "serve." Here are three main meanings:
1. As in to attend to. To help a person to food or drink. To work for or wait on.
2. As in to act. To be of use. Hold an office. Discharge or perform a duty. Respect and honor.
3. As in to provide services that benefit or help others. To assist or answer the needs of. The American Legion Service Officer is a prime example of this role.
I have witnessed Legion members and officers acting in all three of the above listed definitions.
Like my father (a WWII veteran), my mother (an Auxiliary member), my husband (post photographer), my brother (a Sons of The American Legion member) and many cousins (Vietnam veterans), it is my honor to serve. To me it is all about Veterans Helping Veterans.
So what are we serving at The American Legion?
• We are serving aid to the homeless, the lonely, the sick and the injured.
• We are serving connection and support to veterans through Buddy Checks.
• We are serving as a home and welcoming “3rd place” that people can go to for comfort and belonging.
• We are serving smiles, hugs and laughter.
• We are serving camaraderie, meaning and purpose.
• We are serving history, honor and remembrance.
• We are serving traditions, respect for the flag, and Americanism.
• We are an extended family who looks after each other. Supports and assists when the chips are down.
This is what The American Legion is serving!

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