Post 9 family with one of our special families.


American Legion Post 9 Family visits our community in style

Jacksonville, FL

American Legion Auxiliary Kelly J. Mixon Unit 9 of Jacksonville, Fla., has adopted local Pickett Elementary School for the past three years. Pickett has many families in need, and this is our third year working with them. The Auxiliary prepares gift boxes of food for Thanksgiving break, the Christmas holiday season, as well as spring break. We also have expanded our outreach by adding wish lists for our families so the children will have something under their Christmas tree.
On Saturday, Dec. 20, 2024, Post 9 from Jacksonville gathered as a united family of Legionnaires, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary to spend the day gifting numerous families in our community. We were dressed in holiday style with Santa, Mrs. Claus, the Grinch, teddy bears, gingerbread men and women, elves and more as our Riders escorted us to the homes of eight families with gifts for their children. Before setting out on our adventure, we took a moment in prayer, asking God for his blessings, then we all recited the Pledge of Allegiance in front of our post.
Our map for delivery was routed by our Riders as we set out to make deliveries to families. These families' names and addresses were given to us by our local elementary school. The children’s lists this year were very simple. They asked for hoodies, coats, shoes, and very few asked for toys. It has been the Auxiliary’s mission to be sure these children have a wonderful holiday. We fundraise and shop for them and have included our post family to join in the mission. This year we were able to gift eight families with food, toys and clothing.
We are proud to have come together as a family and shared the blessings by giving back to our children in our community. We hope to adopt more families next year.
After we were through with our families, we made one final stop to our local fire department to deliver hot cocoa, cookies and other snacks as our way of thanking them for what they do for our community.
The next day we opened our post with a lunch, crafts and gifts for our community. Home Depot sent three employees as elves to help children make gifts for their parents. Involving our local businesses enabled us to have a very successful holiday party. We were able to gift 174 children with two gifts each. Our SAL prepared the lunch, our Legionnaires helped the children with crafts, our Riders joined in the gift distribution, and it was a perfect day!

Post 9 Family from Jacksonville, Fla., honoring our flag by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before we set out on our mission.

Happy faces!

A Christmas delivery to our local fire department in appreciation for all they do for our community.

Another family with happy smiles.

SAL preparing lunch for our holiday party.

Post 9 is definitely a team and a family!

Home Depot helping our children.

Families enjoying our holiday celebration.
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