On Tuesday, August 30, Northeast Post 630 and Boy Scout Troop 299 cooperated in a flag retirement ceremony held at the City of Blue Ash North Fire Department. Members of the fire department set up the site and provided the burn barrel. Flags to be retired were supplied by Post 630 and Troop 299. The Post 630 color guard provided a flag team to present the colors, a rifle team to present a 3-shot volley, and a bugler to sound Taps.
The proceedings began with the opening introduction by Post 630 member Allen Hughes and comments by Blue Ash Mayor Marc Sirkin. They were followed with the singing of the national anthem by Post 630 member Buck Wilkins and a prayer by Post 630 Chaplain Dennis Ortlieb. The retirement ceremony was initiated by Post 630 Sergeant-at-Arms Ed Ennis, who presented the ceremonial flag to each post commander, all who deemed the flag unfit and that it should be retired. After the inspection ceremony, Ennis carried the flag, along with three members of Troop 299, to the burn barrel. Upon his arrival at the barrel, everyone was called to attention and present-arms. The rifle team presented the 3-shot volley and Taps was sounded by Post 630 member Richard Schnitz. Ennis then placed the flag into the barrel. Other flags that were to be disposed of were done so by members of Troop 299. Post 630 members and citizens of Blue Ash assisted in the disposal of other flags needing to be retired. The personnel of the Blue Ash Fire Department properly disposed of the ashes after they had cooled.